Saturday, January 23, 2010

Go Saints!

Friday was Saints day at school. So Zach was so nice to let Bella wear his Reggie Bush jersey. We are all hoping that the Saints can win on Sunday. It would really make Zach's day. So go Saints!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Adventures with the Weather

We haven't been up to too much lately. We did take a trip down to New Orleans and go to the Aquarium and watch and movie at the IMAX theater (Dinosaurs). Josh was really into the movie it was in 3-D. We have also been enjoying the cooler weather.

The kids watching the otter. Josh kept wanting him to play with some of his toys but the otter was happy just swimming around and around.

Standing in front of the Mississippi River.

Josh didn't want a picture on the frog. Zach and Bella could have played on it all day but there were other kids waiting for their photo opt.

We are learning that down in the south they are not use to cold weather. One day this week it was 40 degrees and Isabella could not go out to recess because she didn't have hat a gloves. Also we have school cancelled on Friday because of the cold weather. I could not believe it. All the time we lived on Pinedale we never had school cancelled because of the weather and there were quiet a few morning when it was well below 30 degrees and here in Louisiana school is cancelled when it gets to 20 degrees. Crazy. Oh well the kids loved having a day off.