Finally here our some pictures from the winter break. Josh has loved having snow. He has requested to have a snow ball fight every day since it has snowed. I am glad he is enjoying the snow. I still remember last year after we moved here and he refused to were tennis shoes and wore his
flip flops in the snow. He then told me that he did not like snow and why did we move here. So funny.

Josh is getting ready to throw a snow ball at Zach.

Zach braving the cold to play with Josh in the snow. What a good brother.

He is a picture of our gingerbread house. Bella had a friend over from church who enjoyed helping us.
For Christmas the year Matt took us all to New York City. It was just a quick trip. We had so much fun. While there we got to eat at some great restaurants. The best part of the trip was being able to go see the Lion King on Broadway. It was so good. It even kept Josh's attention the whole time. It was amazing what they could do and the wonderful stage props they had. Everyone had a great time. We were also able to hit Toys R Us and see Iron man, Captain America, and Spider man. Bella and I went on the Roller coaster ride while Matt took the boys to Willie Wonka Land. I am glad we got there in the morning because by the time we left it was getting really crowded. Thanks Matt for a great trip and Christmas.

Josh opening presents at our house on Christmas evening. Sorry about the red eyes or as Josh calls them Vampire eyes.

Bella with here pile of presents. The kids did great since they had to wait till we got back from New York to open the presents.

The kids got to do their stocking on Christmas morning in New York.

Matt and I packed a small Christmas tree to surprise the kids on Christmas morning.

He is a picture of the view from the
Rockefeller Building on the 65
th floor.

Snap shot of the trees at
Rockefeller plaza.

Bella and Josh in Time Square.
Bella again in Time square. Bella loved all the big TV screens. She would get very distracted walking around, Because she was always watching the screens. Zach had fun just seeing a the different building. Josh thought it was too crowded most of the time, but he did enjoy the Lion King. Great trip