It is
Mardi Gras time here in Louisiana. We attended our first parade Friday night it was the Eve parade. It is an all women parade. We got to our parade spot at 5:30. The kids had a hard time waiting for the parade to start at 7:00. It was like we were in the car having the kids ask "Are we there yet." They kept asking what time is it. They all had a lot of fun and enjoyed being able to yell.

Josh fell asleep while we were waiting for the parade to start. He slept through about 30 minutes of the parade before he woke up. The kids got a little cold waiting. Zach didn't want to bring another jacket and Bella thought the jacket mom brought for her wasn't her
style so she only wore her sweater. So they could stay warmer I let them hold Josh.

Here are the happy kids after the parade with their favorite things from the parade.
Oh...that Bella! :o) It looks like they had fun.