For Halloween this year we did Trunk-or-Treat at our ward on Friday and we just handed out candy on Sunday. I made a fun dinner of monster mashed potatoes along with a pumpkin bread pudding. For the monster mashed potatoes I made the potatoes into a circle and then put broccoli around the top for the hair and cut carrots for the eyes and corn for the mouth. This is one of Bella's favorites. Even though we didn't go trick-or-treating this year the kids had fun handing out candy and seeing all the fun costumes. We only had two trick-or-
treaters come once the Saints game started.

Zach as a
Storm Trooper.

Josh as a knight

Bella as a
Gypsy. I took her a while to get use to wearing the eyelashes.
Matt dressed as a desert prince and Amy went as a witch to the ward party. Matt won a prize for the scariest costume. I should have taken a picture. I totally spaced it. Next year!
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