While we had family visiting we took everyone to see the Living treasure animals. We went on a wagon ride to see a up close look at the animals. There was one animal I would be happy not to see again. The animal is the ostrich. It kept going after my earrings. I kept leaning
forward. Finally I ran to the other side of the wagon. The ostrich even bit Matt's brother on the shoulder. I was so glad when the wagon started moving again. The kids had a great time feeding the animals. It was great.
Badminton was also a great entertainment for the kids. I was so happy we finally had some sunshine.

Here is the
reindeer that charged Josh. Josh was really hungry so I gave him so goldfish. I told him not to go by the fence because the
animals would smell it and want some. Well Josh "forgot" what I said and was standing by the fence when all of the sudden I could see the animals head go
up and it started running towards Josh. Josh was so scared. In the process of running away Josh tripped on the tree stump and scraped up his chin and knees. After that he didn't like the animals any more.

Bella loved the kangaroos. She was also able to pet them.

Josh loved feeding the baby deer carrots.

This thing had huge horns. I can't remember what it is called but it was from Africa.

Bella took this great picture of a peacock. Just beautiful.

Zach finally posing for a picture with the deer. Zach even feed some animals.

Towards the end of the animal ride there was a very strong smell. Here is a picture of what Josh thought of the smell. I think that says it all.

Bella on the wagon ride. She had to watch out for the horns when the animals turn their head so she wouldn't get stabbed

The boys enjoying the wagon ride. It ws so much fun the kids loved it. It was so nice to have family visit.
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