My baby has turned 5. I can't believe he is growing up. Josh had a great b-day. He got lots of
Lego's. He is really into
Lego's. He also loved getting to talk to his grandma's on the phone. He was so cute. Early in the day before lunch he came up to me and said mom no one has sang happy birthday to me. So I told him that I bet his grandma's will call him and sing to him. So he was happy when they did. For his birthday dinner we went to Dairy Queen. Then we were able to go do mini golf and bumper boats. We go so wet. Josh loved it. Then we came home and opened presents, and had cake and ice cream. Such a fun day.

Opening presents . . . finally. I made the mistake of setting the present out after lunch. Josh kept asking to open his presents all day long. Will not make that mistake again.

Playing pin the tail on the donkey
Josh's cake. He did not want me to make a
Lego cake he wanted to pick one out at
Walmart. He loved the toy on top.

Playing with his new
Lego's.Thanks to everyone for the birthday phone calls and all the cards it really made his day.
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