Well Spring has sprung in Pennsylvania. We are enjoying the beautiful flowers and everything turning green. It is wonderful to live somewhere where they have all four seasons. For Spring break this year we just stuck around home this year. We did go see the Hunger Games and were able to work on Zach and Bella's school projects that are coming up in school.

He are pictures of the egg dying. The kids all had fun as usual.

Josh looking at all the beautiful eggs.

Picture of everyone before heading off to church. Josh and Bella sang in sacrament meeting with the rest of the primary children. They did a great job.

Bella showing off all the mini gold eggs she found on the egg hunt.

Zach found the Silver egg full of quarters. Zach decided that he still wanted to find eggs even though he is the big "12".

Josh found the gold egg. The
Easter bunny hid it in a birds nest in a tree in the yard. Josh's smile shows how happy he was to find it.

Josh finding eggs as dad watches.

Zach getting the hard eggs hidden in the bushes.

Here are some pictures of the
daffodils and tulips Josh and I planted last fall. I am so glad that most of the bulbs made it.

Josh and his new bike. It is a transformer bike "Bumble Bee" but Josh likes to call it "yellowy". Such a fun kid. He is always able to make mom smile.

He are some picture from Zach's birthday. We went to his favorite place for dinner (Pizza Hut) and then we came home and unwrapped presents. He wasn't to thrilled with getting a new tie but did enjoy getting some more
DSi games.

Blowing out candles on his chocolate cake.
Zach again opening presents. I can't believe he is 12. Wow it has gone so fast. It is fun to watch him pass the sacrament. He is such a good example to his brother and sister. He makes me so proud.

Matt and his new toy. He has really enjoyed using his new snow blower. He was hoping to be able to us it more this year. I think he only had to use it twice.

Josh and Bella shoveling snow. Josh has really enjoyed playing in the snow.
It's fun seeing your pictures! Your flowers are beautiful. I'm hoping my first one will open tomorrow. :o) The mulch looks good!